A person makes life miserable for us or a full world war breaks out, it doesn’t matter. A battle is a battle. Throughout the Bible the biggest battles are won by people praying. God is in the presence of people who pray. He hears and answers prayer. Jesus, Himself, prayed frequently. Therefore we should doRead More
Archives for July 2015
It’s this time of the year again. Many years of study has resulted in a well earned diploma. What now? Which college? Which field of study? After college, will there be a job in the field of long hours of study and achieving high grades? There are a lot of uncertainties no matter how prepared.Read More
Never A Reason For Jealousy
Celebrities get a lot of praise and recognition. There are cameras all around and huge audiences are everywhere they go. While the celebrity is on stage the cheers and claps are deafening. The crowd is so tightly packed it’s impossible for them to move around. At the end of the show celebrities take their bowsRead More
God With Us
He is with us at all times with a loving arm around us. We walk together through sunny times with excitement of all God does for us. We walk together through storms with comfort knowing we are never alone. Love is everything God is and God is love. Zephaniah 3:17 For the Lord your GodRead More
Nothing Is Impossible
We may not see how something can possibly work out but God knows all things. It is not what we see but knowing the One who sees everything. He never allows circumstances that He doesn’t already have the answers. Ask for anything and He will either supply it or bring about a path to followRead More
Jesus Never Gives Up On Us
Jesus is always the same. We can count on that. There are times we feel His presence in a mighty way while other times it seems He is miles away. No matter what we feel like He never leaves us. Humans drift but we can always rely on God to follow us because HeRead More
Only One Guarantee
Jesus saves. We can count on that. As humans there are no guarantees we will be born in a beautiful body or have a body that will last us a hundred years. Not everybody will be rich, own a fancy automobile or have a cell phone. The club we want to join may not acceptRead More
Rewards Of Honesty
William Shakespeare made a famous statement: To thine own self be true. His statement sums up a lot of things. When we can truly be honest with ourselves and God without feeling embarrassed or resentful we are free indeed. By studying the Bible we can learn principles of life that never change. God speaks toRead More
All Knowing God
He knows everything anyway, so why not be honest. The more we are willing to turn over to Him the more He can fix. Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the pathRead More
Waiting With Open Arms
When people have their own way things get messed up. The most precious thing about God is that He is waiting with loving arms, ready to forgive, ready to forget and ready to restore. He has restored entire nations and made things brand new. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us: Then if My people who are called by My name willRead More