A full box of crayons can be used to create beautiful masterpieces. Some colors are brilliant while others appear to be dull but all serve a specific purpose. What if the most beautiful color decides to go its own way outside the box? What if the dullest color was ashamed to come out of theRead More
Archives for July 2015
The Right Choice
The most beautiful and best groomed horse is not always the one that will win the race. The choicest restaurant may not be the one that offers the best nourishment. The highest paying vocation does not guarantee peace on the job or a divine purpose. The best looking lady does not guarantee the wisest lifestyle. Read More
The Challenge Of Forgiveness
A person wrongs us over and over again. We forgive each time yet it gets harder as time progresses. The absolute worst situation is one where we are walking through torment from a person for whom others admire. To have people compliment such a person to us while things are so different for us isRead More
His Awesome Greatness
In the beginning….. God. He created heaven and earth, night and day, sea and land and said it is all good. He created us in His image and the way we represent Him is a gauge to us what needs to be developed further. He continues to mold us more into His likeness until theRead More
Temporary Pleasure
Wisteria is one of the most beautiful dangling plants ever created. If groomed properly it can be a beauty that we can’t take our eyes off of. However wisteria out of control destroys. It will completely cover a strong healthy tree in a very short time. From the outside it is beautiful with all theRead More
A Sincere Prayer
When a person is hurting there is great comfort knowing someone is calling their name out to God. The most sincere prayer comes from a person who has walked through difficult times and understands the hurts of others. The prayer of a sincere loving person gives much comfort and peace. There is nothing worse thanRead More
We Are Called To Love
Love is not based on emotions or whether or not we fully agree with other people’s opinions or life styles. It is not based on liking a person or disliking someone. Love is a commandment of God. Love is a genuine respect for one another putting their needs before ours. Loving someone based on anRead More
Growing Into His Likeness
Joyce Meyer expressed so beautifully that the coat of righteousness that Jesus gives us in return for our sin is always a size too big. This allows us room to grow into His likeness. Growth comes from learning by our mistakes, forgiving others for theirs and having the wisdom and courage to know when toRead More
The Bride Of Christ
It is a high honor to be groomed by our Lord to be our best when He comes for us. Grooming may not be pleasant because it means giving up bad habits that are fun but the rewards are priceless. The more space we allow God to use in our lives the more room HeRead More
The Word Is Alive
The Holy Bible has all the answers. God speaks through His Word. Encouragement, healing, peace, hope and calmness are just a few of the many things God offers to His people. He knows our heart’s desires plus He knows how to redirect our paths when we stray. All God does is done out of Love.Read More