When people act mad and don’t speak for no obvious reason, the love of Jesus is still in our heart. When bosses yell just because they are in a mood while the job is being well done, the love of Jesus is still in our heart. When party invitations are given out and certain namesRead More
Archives for August 2015
Belief Hindered
It happens to me. It happens to you. It happens all the time. We take a situation to God and when we walk away it’s still stuck on our back. We believe but can’t forget about it. The things that matter the most are the ones that are the hardest to forget. There is goodRead More
Life’s Battles
There are times when friends argue and each person battles with words to defeat the other. Unfortunately the winner actually won the loss of that friend and the loser won the same. Another example is that of an employee who does his best on a job and is overlooked because the boss likes another personRead More
Today’s Troubles Are Tomorrow’s Victories
In the world today there are trials that are getting more intense. Floods, earthquakes and wind storms are more frequent and more violent. Governments are taking control many times going against the very word of God with no second thought. People rise up in violence and others don’t care at all. The brotherly love isRead More
Love Keeps On Giving
It costs nothing to offer a smile to someone. It is no extra effort to hold a door open for a person whose hands are full. It does not delay a trip to make room on the road for another car to enter. These quick and simple demonstrations of love can make someone’s whole dayRead More
From Discouragement To Praise
It takes no faith at all to look back at the good old days. When the Israelites left with Moses God provided miracle after miracle. He did not promise an easy journey but a safe one. They were provided manna for free, guidance with a cloud and fire, a tabernacle and shoes that never woreRead More
Bonding In Love And Wisdom
There is nothing more peaceful than to sit with an older person who prays and calls your name out to God. The bond is special. Things on your mind that you don’t even understand yourself are somehow understood by this elderly person. As you stumble over words trying to explain feelings, facts, hurts and frustrationsRead More
Heaven Is Too Glorious For Words
If God allowed us to see heaven just for a split second we would be lost for words. The beauty, peace, love and trust is beyond our greatest experience here. The Apostle Paul had such an experience and he had no words to explain. For the numerous people who have gone before us, God hasRead More
The Pebble In The Sand
The garden of Eden consisted of many beautiful streams, bushes and trees yet the devil brought Eve’s focus to just one tree. How many times has the devil done that to us in today’s time? The press is being used by the devil to bring our focus to things that are only as big asRead More
God’s Light
The most beautiful lamp will not shine unless it is plugged in. The most brilliant chandelier will not be seen unless it is displayed. There is power in the Word of God. Time spent alone with God allows Him to reveal Himself in ways we never thought. There is strength in the love of ourRead More