We all have people in our lives who occasionally will not be on speaking terms. These people could very well be walking through a situation they do not know how to face. It’s possible we made them angry with us and they do not have the courage to tell us so. The absolute worst coldRead More
Archives for August 2015
God’s Family Tree
We may not be the ones to be earthly mothers and fathers of a child but all children, teens and adults doing the will of our Father are family. As younger people, adults are to be respected. As adults, children should be given the best example by our lifestyles. The wisdom of a senior adultRead More
From God’s Amusement To Our Amazement
When we delight ourselves in our Lord He will give us the desires of our hearts. Human plans, no matter how carefully they are put together are but an amusement to God. Our plans are only from a human aspect. God’s plans are from a heavenly aspect. Therefore we can rejoice in the amazement ofRead More
God’s Promises Guaranteed
Has it ever been that a person made a promise they did not keep? Have people ever said that they thought they kept that promise already when we have waited with excitement and it never happened? Did you ever prepare for a special visit that was promised getting food and rooms ready and the dayRead More
His Love Goes Around
When a person acts according to the will of God that person receives God’s favor. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” People get from life what they putRead More
The Bible beautifully explains things using examples we can all understand of how things work spiritually. Jesus illustrates the example of farmers and crops. A seed will not produce unless it first dies and then planted. In life when we desire things to work out we turn those desires over to God and allow HimRead More
We Choose The Winner
There are ball games where each team has people to support them. No matter how great the support there is no guarantee that team will win each time. In the world today the hardest workers aren’t always the ones to be noticed. This is true of many things in life. With politics and favoritism andRead More
Mighty Yet Gentle
It takes a mighty voice of God to place the stars an moon in space. With His voice he commanded night and day and all creation. It takes the gentle and loving touch of God to understand and accept us for who He made us to be. God can do all things. He is worthyRead More
Our Biggest Obstacle
God sends answers to prayer and blessings in ways we do not expect. Many times people pray then immediately get in touch with people and discuss ways to manipulate people, places and things to make it all happen. What if God has a way to bring about our blessings and answered prayers through totally differentRead More
The Bible speaks many times of walking in the ways of our Lord. During Jesus’ time on this earth He never ran. Jesus was always on the move ministering from one city to the next until His job on earth was fulfilled. He overcame even death and now sits at the right hand of ourRead More