The Bible is very specific when It speaks of these difficult times. As we approach the end of the age God promises never to leave us nor forsake us. Governments may choose to remove the words, “In God We Trust,” from coins but God is still trustworthy. Certain groups may be offended when people promoteRead More
Archives for September 2015
A Greater Door
A mill that is operated by running water produces much flour and corn mill. That mill operates day after day producing a great product that meets the needs of many people. Then the day comes when the mill is closed down because newer technology and machines can produce much more. Is that millRead More
It’s Happening So Fast
Revelation 1:3 says: God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and He blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near. The things spoken about throughout the Bible are quickly unfolding. Friends are betraying friends. Theft is happening all over theRead More
Wisdom Of The Youth
When we do not understand something, ask a young adult. When we wonder how to get through a major problem in life, ask a teenager. As we grow older we learn that many obstacles and hurts stem from dealings with people. The younger the person the more they advise to just walk away, hurt backRead More
Loving The Unlovable
When the greatest commandment to love God first then love our neighbor as ourselves becomes a challenge, God understands. There are times emotions will not allow any actions of love. Some situations are devastating at best. A loving husband of many years comes home from work and his wife has packed and moved out forRead More
End Times Narcissism
Have you ever known someone who takes, takes and takes? They call themselves Christians and speak loving and kind words yet they contribute nothing to society. The only time they speak kindly and respectfully to you is when they want something you can give them for the moment. You think you have a friend butRead More
It Will Happen In Due Time
God never disgraces anyone who is waiting for Him to act. God can do all things and nothing is impossible for Him. Others may wonder why we do not give up on situations that seem so impossible. Noah never gave up and there became a day when people got the worst wakeup call ever. TheRead More
You Are Somebody Because Jesus Loves You
Who but God can create a new born baby? It took Him an average of nine months to physically put us together. It took Him from before time even began until now to love us and He is not done yet. At times we may not see Him, feel His presence or hear His voiceRead More
OK, I’m Not Accepted …. So What!
25 years ago is just that…. 25 years ago. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as his Savior the growing process begins. Just like when a new baby is born he does not automatically walk and talk. A new Christian grows into the likeness of Christ over time. Each person goes through times of resentment,Read More
Look Closely Before Letting It Pass By
Jesus said the brick rejected by the builders became the cornerstone. This is true of many phases in life. A group of young friends get together to form a baseball team. One boy gets passed over to actually play each time because his talent is not baseball. However he brings to the team aRead More