People stand in the streets for hours outside a hospital waiting for the announcement of the birth of a prince. Bells ring, people rejoice, camera flashes light up the city block and newspapers announce the birth of this prince. As he grows there will be even more press, cameras and attention. He is the focusRead More
Archives for September 2015
Sin Happens
Sin is a fact of life. It happens to all of us. There is no way around it because temptations are very real. Admitting to wrong doings, asking for forgiveness from God and forgiving ourselves is a major key to peace of mind. Where people get into bondage is when they give in to temptationRead More
Inside Out
When we get ready for the day we choose what we will wear, how to fix our hair and even what attitude we will present. Depending on what we know about the day ahead of us, we prepare accordingly by fixing ourselves on the outside. The circumstances, people and atmosphere many times determine how weRead More
Blessings Of Faith
Galatians 3:9 tells us that all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith. God calls each of us to His Own purpose and His name will be glorified. We are not all called to leave our home and establish a nation like Abraham. However we are all called toRead More
God Remembers Always
He remembers our prayers. He knows our hearts. His Name is glorified in all things. He never disgraces anyone who is waiting on Him to act. Weeks, months and years sometimes go by but God still remembers. He holds everything in His capable hands. Psalm 90:4 A thousand years in your sight are like aRead More
Life’s Ups And Downs
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers them out of them ALL. No matter what trial or triumph Jesus is Lord. There is no promise of a perfect life but there are perfect moments because we serve a perfect God. Deuteronomy 32:4 He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all HisRead More
There Is Always Hope
The death of dreams and dashing of hopes seem so final. Until God says the last word it is not over regardless of what things appear to be. There are numerous situations that we can look to as examples of hope to come. Caterpillars spin themselves into a cocoon because they see their lives comingRead More
Above All
All things are possible with God. If we stray too far and the waters get too deep, He will rescue us. If people let us down, He restores. If we are judged unfairly, He will bring justice. If we are misunderstood, He bridges the gap. Just ask. Jeremiah 32:27 I am the Lord, the GodRead More
Painful Rejections
Of all the emotions, probably rejection is the most painful and most difficult to not take it personally. It happens to all of us. Growing in grace is not without bumps in the road where people trip and sometimes fall. Most rejections come from someone who is not where God wants them to be andRead More
The Walk Of Faith
A baby’s first steps are exciting. A dad bends down and holds out his loving hands, barely far enough where the baby has to take a step but close enough to catch him if he trips up. As the precious child takes one step then another, his full concentration is on the two loving handsRead More