As people experience hardships they remember to call upon the Lord. They call on others for prayers and spend time in the Bible. As the hand of God moves in their situations all praise is given to God for a short time. What about the daily miracles God performs? Almost every day people hear ofRead More
Archives for November 2015
Hope In All Things
God spoke the first word and He will speak the last. Until His last word is spoken we have hope in all things. He is so mighty that He has the whole world in His hands. He is so humble that He has the hairs on our heads numbered. He sees world wars inRead More
Wait, Wait And Wait Some More
Waiting upon the Lord many times means developing endurance and strength. The longest waits seem to be when we are waiting on another person to have a change of heart. When the habits of others bring us to tears, waiting is almost unbearable. There are bosses who continually yell and say negative things. They willRead More
A Rare Treasure
The greatest treasures are in heaven. They are kept for us free of dust and decay. As our hearts are focused on Jesus and letting others know of His salvation things get more exciting. We have not seen these stored treasures yet but it’s worth every hurdle in life. There is a sense of wonderRead More
Lights Camera Action
The actor is on stage in his costume ready to speak his well rehearsed lines. He does an award winning performance. The audience stands with much excitement. The applause, whistles and yells for another curtain call and bow are so powerful they seem to shake the whole theatre. The actor goes back to his dressingRead More
His Healing Touch
When troubles come at all directions and crowd us out we sometimes fail to see the hand of our Lord. Within the crowd are sicknesses, failed relationships, job losses, loneliness, angry people at us for no reason, grief and numerous other things. If it isn’t one thing it’s another and peace is nowhere in sight.Read More
Worse Than Lies
Sometimes decisions are based on the words of another person. In good faith we accept what they say as truth. Later we learn that what we were told is false. We are stuck with having to undo actions that were made based on false statements. In today’s politically correct world it is becoming more ofRead More
Yes Or No
Telling the truth will always heal, even if the words spoken create a temporary hard path for someone. It’s difficult sometimes to watch a person head down a road of destruction knowing there are serious consequences. Decisions must be made to either disrupt a person’s habits who seems to be enjoying life or let themRead More
The Peaceful Truth
We have all met people who are popular. They wear all the latest fashions, date the best looking people and get invited to all the parties. There are people who will copy the ways of the popular group even at the cost of their own identity. People will save their allowances for months toRead More
The Road Ahead
Life does not stop after a great achievement. Instead it should be an encouragement to move ahead. Looking back on life as a check point is an opportunity to see which actions promoted the greatest accomplishments. Looking back at other situations in life that were painful is another opportunity to see which actions resulted inRead More