It takes months and even years to develop a personality. It is reasonable to assume it takes just as long to undo particular habits that have been a part of a person for years. To demand a change never works. To become angry and be at odds with that person only heats things up. NoRead More
Archives for January 2016
It’s Possible Through Jesus
Obedience to God and the leading of His Spirit will bring about good results. In 2 Kings chapters 3 and 4 alone there were many times God used Elisha to do the will of God. Through his obedience and the obedience of others miracles happened. A dry valley was filled with pools of water evenRead More
Hidden Motives
Have you ever gotten a beautiful compliment from someone and it made your day? Then later you overhear that same person tell another that you have to have compliments in order to make you feel you measure up as a person. There is nothing more emotionally damaging than for someone to tell you a lotRead More
Throwing In The Towel
There are times in life when circumstances are above and beyond anything we can reach. Situations are so high above our heads there is no way to even climb up to them, much less fix them. There are disappointments in life where hope lies ahead. When we get to what we think is a solutionRead More
Everlasting Joy
There is a type of happiness that is for a time. A bottle of bubbles brings laughter and happiness to a young child. There are bubbles all around and excitement when a bubble is touched. Once it’s touched it’s gone. There are many things in life that define happiness but once the situation is overRead More
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
A good salesman can sell almost anything with a bunch of impressive words and a smooth tone. It does not matter the condition of the item he is selling or if it is even in working condition. He knows how to sell with big words. A person can look at the item and tell it’sRead More
We Are God’s Children
There are governments who are now saying certain hardships, illnesses or quality of life are unproductive in society. Jesus died for all people and there are no such people that are unproductive in His eyes. Some of the greatest lessons in trust come from young children. Some of the greatest demonstrations of faith come fromRead More
God’s Love Song
There are songs that melt the heart. A young soloist sings a love song and young people rush to the stage hoping for a glance. That’s a feeling of emotion. There is nothing to base a romance or marriage over yet it crosses the minds of many young people. If a human presentation and voiceRead More
Do Not Judge A Book By Its Cover
Some of the best books have a gaudy cover. The cover is unappealing to look at yet the title is inviting. Many will pass over such a book and they will learn later it was one of the best books ever written. This concept works with people. A kind widow who has a reputation ofRead More
When Kindness Bites Us In The Back
Sometimes the biggest shocks in life are ones that come from friends. We think we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother yet behind our backs is a different story. With a sincere heart we donate to help one in need. We try to raise money through charities and donations then learn ourRead More