The world is full of people who are about themselves. They want the biggest and best of everything. When they get it, they make life difficult for others who do not have as much. The more these people get the more they want. Even if they gain the whole world it would not be enoughRead More
Archives for March 2016
High Service
It seems to be beneath some people to mop up or to do a favor for one less fortunate. What a shame to have that type of attitude. In large corporations it happens frequently where people trample over other people to get to the top. What is top? Does it mean to have a privateRead More
When Good People Are Called Home
Why do many good people pass away during the prime of their time? It’s an age old question that no one but God can answer. A person can be a new born baby or a hundred year old senior adult. God sees all His people as His children. When God is ready to reward HisRead More
Harvest Time Comes
Just as surely as a farmer plants a crop of corn, he will reap corn at the proper time. It’s the same with any crop. What is planted will grow, it will mature then it will be ready to gather and enjoy. There is a spiritual harvest. People after their own desires will plant ideasRead More
God’s Swap
If we give to God from the first of our earthly resources, He will give back to us from His heavenly resources. Wow, that’s a mighty fine swap. Luke 6:38 For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make roomRead More
A Needle In The Haystack
A haystack doesn’t have to be very big to hide a needle. It’s the same with the desires of the world that crowd out the will of God. The devil is famous for making things extremely attractive to lure people away from God’s will. The devil is patient and he will be back. Just oneRead More
More Than We Expect
We can never outguess God. When we present a petition to Him, sometimes it’s best not to think about all the possible outcomes. Just as sure as we are expecting a big blue packaged answer on the left we could easily miss the bigger red one on the right. Putting our needs and desires intoRead More
There is one thing for certain and that is God is true to His word. People, places and things will let us down. Clinging to the truth which never changes will help us through even the most painful disappointments. With all eyes on Jesus, He will keep His eyes on all that concerns us. IsaiahRead More
His Blessings Overflow
God can only fill a cup that has room for His outpouring of blessings. The emptier the cup, the more room for blessings. As long as people have things under control and everything is going right for them He will allow them to continue. It may appear that everything falls into place for them butRead More
The Whole World In His Hands
There are times when it seems the whole world is against us. If it isn’t one thing it’s another. Just to see another person smile would be a big help but even the most friendly person seems troubled. The devil is on the war path at all times and his techniques work like yeast inRead More