The most unpopular word in the dictionary today is the word, repent. Yet to repent to God will save a soul. Sin is sin, no matter what politically correct calls it. In this world today, everything is acceptable even though it is not. Things have progressed to the point where there is no remorse forRead More
Archives for March 2016
Trust Broken
Has it ever been that you had a conversation with someone then realized they were not on speaking terms? You just spent several minutes asking how they were doing, telling them about your day then waited to hear how their day was going. No response, no eye contact. How embarrassing those moments are in life.Read More
Always Welcome
It is said that company that stays too long wears out their welcome. This may or may not be true, depending on the people and their customs. Each circumstance is different. Sometimes children hesitate to come to a parent one more time with a failing mark on a report card because it has been saidRead More
God’s Compassion For All People
When serving dinner at homeless shelters, workers provide for all who come. Some of the people are homeless because of circumstances beyond their control. Many are searching for truth, friendships, understanding or maybe just a smile. Some people come, not specifically for dinner but more out of loneliness. Just the sight of another human beingRead More
Between Friends
There are friends who are there for the moment. Once the purpose is fulfilled there is a chance that particular friend will go his own way never to be seen or heard from again. This could be the person who said the right thing at the right time bringing many to Christ. There are friendsRead More
A Bent Nail
Ask any carpenter and he will tell you how useless a bent nail becomes while nailing two pieces of wood together. To make matters worse he has to use a special leverage technique to remove the bent nail that is now embedded in the wood. Once the bent nail is removed it is discarded orRead More
Not Just A Man
There was a man no different than any other man. He had a job, wife, kids and good health. He was a church going man and loved the Lord with all his heart. Similar to the servant, Job, one day his health failed. There were cancer treatments and even recurring cancer. His wife left himRead More
The Unexpected
If His word abides in our hearts and we abide in Him, we can ask whatever we want and He will hear and answer our prayers. While we express to God our deepest thoughts and desires and the need for a specific answer, we can expect far more than our greatest imagination. We know GodRead More
To Know About God Or To Know God
The Bible contains facts about our Lord Jesus Christ. His word tells how and where He was born and why He came to earth. It tells of many great miracles, approximate dates He was here and He now sits at the right hand of God. He created man in His image and everything on earthRead More
Lord, I’m Moving In
Here I am and I want to stay. Thank you that You never turn me away. All I bring with me is a suitcase full of things I no longer need. I am unpacking my jealousy because You want me to be my best and not my neighbor’s rival of their best. I am unpackingRead More