Worry happens to us all at some time or another. It is usually a reaction to something we cannot control and the outcome cannot be determined. Sometimes worry puts life on hold while we role play what we will say or do depending on each possible thing that may happen. Usually our biggest fears neverRead More
Archives for October 2016
A Comforting Fact
There are storms in life that are very intense and last for a short while. There are gentle rains that last for a long time and continue to be annoying but it passes over time. There are storms that come and seem to never go. It lets up for a short time then gets strongRead More
One Of Those Kind Of Days
It happens to us all. Occasionally there will be a day or series of days when things go from bad to worse. We walk out to the flower garden to water and there is a rake that somehow got hidden in the grass. When we step on it we get hit in the face withRead More
Do You Really And Truly Love Me?
Sometimes we want to know if a person really and truly loves us. We try to measure their love by how often they bring a gift, call us on the phone or spend time with us. These are a few outward signs of genuine love that come from the heart yet these same overtures canRead More
Godly Responses Are Not Always Easy
Jesus said we are sent out as sheep into a world of wolves. Unpleasant attitudes toward us are to be expected. It’s easy to let the influences of bad attitudes become our responses. A person flares up in anger toward us and the immediate response is to explode back at them. Officials make an obviousRead More
Shout It From The Mountain Tops
If a train is coming and a person is on the tracks and does not hear the whistle blowing we are quick to pull that person off the tracks. If we are walking down a pathway with a friend and the friend doesn’t see the snake about to strike we are quick to warn ourRead More
Running From The Best
There are times God is very specific which step to take next yet sometimes a person does everything except follow His instructions. He/she can do every good deed known to man and look like the nicest person who ever lived but there is still unrest in the heart if God’s specific instructions are not followed.Read More
Trust God And He Will
When we trust God, we can be assured that He will not disappoint us. Sometimes there are things we trust will happen and many years pass by. This is especially true if we are trusting God for the salvation of a hard hearted person who seems to never change. We can trust God in allRead More
Hand Up Or Hand Out
Jesus said there will always be poor people among us and we are to help them. The best type of help is one that encourages a person to best utilize their own ability and resources. Even back in the Old Testament farmers were instructed to leave behind stray crops so the poor could gather them. Read More