Airplane pilots are quick to advise that landing a plane requires remaining focused on the center line. The center line takes us safely to the final destination. Though turbulence and wind try to blow a plane off course during the journey the focus is always the same. That center line will be visible at theRead More
Archives for March 2017
Blessings v/s Obstacles
Have you ever noticed that whenever things work out beautifully here comes bad news? It’s almost like an imp is sitting at the door of every opening God has made for you. You pray many years for a particular job opening and it becomes open. The person who interviews you is not the person whoRead More
The Price Of A Cup Of Soup
How many times have we passed up what seems so ordinary to pursue something that flashes before us? God grants us grace daily to address the issues before us. He never gives us grace ahead of time. The Bible is specific when mentioning that today’s troubles are enough without seeking extra faith for what mayRead More
A Budding Blessing
In the early spring we see many buds on trees and bushes. As time progresses they become more colorful then one day a very beautiful flower emerges. These buds did not just appear at springtime but prepared all year long. Harsh winters, hard grounds, too much rain, too little rain and strong winds were endured. Read More
Adversity Is Not To Be Wasted
Trials happen in life. It’s a fact. Whether a person is a believer or not, adversity comes to all of us. While it seems some people are always facing hardships and others never face them, the truth is all of us experience growing pains. There are people who can get all As in school andRead More
The Walk Of Life
Many people refer to life as a school of hard knocks where we learn not to do certain things. Others say where there is no pain there is no gain. As cruel as this sounds, each knock or pain makes us a little stronger and gives the go ahead to take the next step. WhatRead More
It’s Possible
God is with us and in us. How could we ever fail? It’s as simple as that except one thing. We continue to get in our own way. Failure can be viewed in two ways. We can give up or we find another way. If God places on our hearts to accomplish a task HeRead More
Being Overlooked Does Not Mean Forgotten
There once was a flautist. The notes she played on her flute were beautiful and brought joy and peace to all who heard her play. Then one day the unthinkable happened. A man who was well known came into her life as a conductor. He was full of pride and was a narcissist spirit. BecauseRead More
He Almost Missed It
It’s all in how we look at things. This will determine the type of blessings in life. Lets consider a festive parade for a moment. There are floats and many bands that parade by. With all the focus placed on the frills and thrills of the extra decorations most will miss the reason for theRead More
Something Just Isn’t Right
There are times we can be in a room full of people and there will be one particular person that makes the hairs stand up on the back of our necks like an angry cat. This person has done nothing to us but there is something in our spirit we can’t determine. This person mayRead More