The love of Jesus Christ is so great that nothing can separate His love from us. While we are sinners He still loves enough to die for us. We can work and try hard every moment of every day but human effort cannot earn such love. Only God can love us in such a mightyRead More
Archives for April 2017
His Awesome Ever Presence
Jesus paid it all. It should be front page news every single day that salvation is available for all who accept Christ as Savior and Lord. There is no greater comfort than to know we are never alone. No matter the circumstances we can count on Jesus to be with us. The greatest commandment JesusRead More
God’s Love Is Free
It costs nothing to give a smile to someone or hold a door open for a person whose hands are full of packages. It takes no extra time to slow up in traffic to let another person onto the road. Simple habits like these can cause another person to have a great day. It’s allRead More
Sometimes It Does Not Pay To Achieve
There are certain things in life that are achieved by going about it the right way. Hard study makes good grades in school. Hard work earns promotions and raises. Proper respect for people earns trust and friendships. These type of achievements are the right thing to do. Other achievements can be costly. Passing people rightRead More
When We Are Called To Sort Things Out
We all have a false front at times. We meet new people and we present better than our best. In fact we often times are not even ourselves around new people. Resumes for jobs are prime examples of adding extra fluff that implies a little more than what we can produce. We seek to createRead More
It’s Possible
With faith all things are possible through Christ. What about the times when things are too big for us? When things are out of the control of human beings we rely on God to do what we cannot do. If our faith is weak, it’s perfectly ok to ask for more. God welcomes us withRead More
But What About That Other Person?
Doesn’t it seem like certain people get all the breaks? A beautiful lady walks into an interview and immediately gets promoted above you. You have been at the company for years and you have always pleased your boss. What’s up this time? Why does this brand new beautifully shaped, gorgeous faced and innocently countenancedRead More
The Danger Of Being Too Busy
We dart to and from places. We race to get the best bargain. We pack our days full of activities. We get a call from a friend who needs to talk and our day is too packed to listen. We say will call them later and later never comes. We completely forget. Unfortunately this isRead More
Pride Hurts People
Have you noticed that there are some people who always get recognized? Everywhere certain people go others will give way to them. They never consider the feelings of anyone but themselves and others feel obligated to step aside for them to have the moment of recognition. The key here is “others.” You depend on someRead More
What If?
What if you had a chance to be there when God created the earth. There was a time when there was nothing at all. Imagine witnessing that. Suddenly things lit up for a while and got dark again. There was a time when oceans were there but no land. Imagine that. Water everywhere but noRead More