The things God tells us in His Bible are true. We can count on all things He says and have no doubt. He gives us many examples to identify with that we witness every day. Many people refer to beautiful butterflies that were once lowly caterpillars. Those caterpillars not only spin a cocoon but insideRead More
Archives for August 2017
The Great Pretender
Have you ever met someone who brags all the time? These people boast that they can do everything. When they date they tell their dating partner about all previous dates and how wonderful the treatment they received. There is no way to measure up to all of that when you go out with such aRead More
Life’s Seasons
Each year we can expect a spring, summer, fall and winter. They come on time pretty much by calendar dates. Occasionally a season will overstay its time but for the most part we can plan our crops around them or activities. God also has seasons for people. These seasons do not come on a timeRead More
Why Sometimes It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
When we pray it opens up the floodgates of heaven onto the object of our prayer. Heaven is huge and compared to heaven the object of our prayer is the size of a pin point. Having that much power focused onto our petitions opens the door to resentment because God deals with the conscience. ARead More
Where We Leave Off
In any situation we can only do so much. However those of us trusting in Christ will quickly learn that His divine power picks up where we leave off. It is sometimes confusing to see people prosper who give no thoughts to God. It’s hard not to become jealous when many luxurious things fall intoRead More
The Most Sought After Ticket
People sometimes stand in line for long hours waiting to buy tickets to a concert. There are even people who will spend the night camped out in the rain or cold weather to get a choice ticket. This concert lasts for only an evening. These tickets are expensive to buy and transportation is not included. Read More
The Broken Heart Of Grief
God created the sun and moon in such a way that it creates a gravitational pull. This pull causes the ocean to have waves. The waters are pulled one way then another and it never stops. If the waves ever stop then the pull of gravity has stopped. Grief is the same way. A personRead More
The Brain Drain
We have all seen drain pipes that become clogged. These clogs do not happen over night but over a period of time one thing leads to another. After a while it’s hard to get any water to drain at all. It started with one grease spot that attached to the side of the pipe andRead More
Unanswered Prayer Is Not What It Seems
There are prayers said where results are seen immediately Other prayers are said and progress is seen over a period of time. Both types of answers are encouraging because of what is seen or felt. There are other prayers said where we see and feel nothing. Sometimes the total opposite of what we pray forRead More
God’s Glory In Our Heart’s Desires
Our Lord knows all things. He knows the outcome of each choice we make. When we trust Him with the desires of our hearts He knows how to bring about situations where these desires can be met. Many times we desire certain friendships, acceptances or vocations and we see these outcomes very clearly in ourRead More