The truth isn’t always popular but it brings security. When the truth is told we know exactly where we stand and we have a strong platform where we can build. It’s better to know what is really ahead of us than to think something is greater than what is really there. We have all metRead More
Archives for January 2018
We Are In This Together
There are times when everything goes like clockwork. Our routine becomes so ordinary we rarely think about what comes next in our day. We can count on our job, our church and our circumstances then without notice something comes along to create an uncertainty. It seems that once one obstacle stands in the way anotherRead More
Be Ye Doers
Many of us have heard the term “be ye doers” over and over during our lifetime. Basically it means that we know what God would have us do but somehow we get distracted and never get around to it. In order to know God better it means spending time with Him in prayer and readingRead More
Praying For Our Enemies
Imagine our worst enemy sitting next to us. They sit and say nothing but inside of us becomes tense and we feel our anger start to boil. This person did us wrong in a horrible way and we still experience the consequences of what they caused. How do we pray for such a person whenRead More
Our Key To Heavenly Doors
God has given to each of us the authority to resist the devil in the name of Jesus Christ. Many times when we pray and ask God to create opportunities or stop certain situations we pray only that. God hears our prayers and answers but do we take the privilege during our prayer time toRead More
Pain After Problem Is Gone
There are many things in life we walk through and the emotional pain remains long after the situation passes. At times we will still feel the sting in our hearts where a person bullied us as a child. Many times the memory of an adult who has long since passed away will bring tears toRead More
When We Disappoint God
Everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God. It is a true blessing when He loves us enough to point things out to us that He wants us to change. During times when we feel embarrassed and ashamed to approach God knowing we have wronged Him His loving arms are open. He isRead More
Weeds In Our Garden
Many of us have a beautiful flower or vegetable garden but somehow weeds grow among our plants. If we are not careful we can ruin our whole garden. While we show patience toward the weeds by not pulling them out, it’s only for the purpose of not harming our plants. We are also displaying mercyRead More
Boring Times
There are times when our routine seems to be bringing us into a rut. We rise at the same time each morning, cook, prepare, work, relax then it’s evening again. Nothing is exciting because it’s the same thing day after day. If each day has blissful moments that are new and different how would weRead More
A Losing Battle
It is a natural response to defend ourselves when confronted by people who make up lies against us. We can argue for hours but each statement that comes from our mouths only fuel the flames. The more we say the worse we look. This is for sure a battle we will not win because thisRead More