Just as a plant grows once placed in the ground peace will grow once Christ is accepted as our Savior. As we grow into His likeness we experience growing pains through disappointments but He shows Himself worthy in all things. He has ways of dealing with things that are different from automatic responses we give.Read More
Archives for January 2018
Judge Not
It’s difficult at times not to judge. A person continually manipulates around and we get tripped up by them every time. We get cheated out of opportunities while they triumph over us looking behind only long enough to give us an innocent smile. It makes us want to throw everything including the kitchen sink atRead More
Heavenly Sonshine
We grieve when we look around us and many of our loved ones have already been received into heaven. Their absence can be compared to us missing a part of our life. It’s a normal healing process to grieve and to remember the times we shared together. We think about the good old days butRead More
Sometimes We Feel So All Alone
During these dry times in life when we can’t seem to find the hand of God we draw on our faith and trust in Him. He promises never to leave us yet sometimes we feel so all alone. Our prayers are like lead balloons that go up and crash back down. Our times alone withRead More
People Praise
It is easy to get caught up in trying to please people. We have to flatter a boss when hard work isn’t enough. We have to be accepted by certain people in order to be accepted by other people. We have to wear certain clothes and act a certain way to have a chance toRead More
It All Works Out
We make a mess of things and wonder how things can ever work out again. Praise God that as we trust Him, He works everything out on our behalf. It may not work out the way we plan and it may not work out as a result of our efforts. However things will work outRead More
When Enemies And Bullies Fall
Someone has hurt us and they continue with their tactics year after year. They make our lives miserable and that is bad enough. When a dear friend calls on us to pray because this same enemy is tormenting them things are even worse. The tears of a friend hurts worse than our own hurt becauseRead More
The Silent Friend
Many of us have silent friends in our lives. They are the ones we never become close to or possibly never have much of a conversation, yet they are ones we considere good friends. They attend our same church, live in our neighborhood and go to school with us. They have their own circle ofRead More
Follow The Son
There is a great demonstration given to us by God on how to follow Christ. The sunflower always faces the sun. In the evening the sunflower turns back to face east awaiting the sun to rise in the morning. As the earth slowly turns causing the sun to become higher in the sky then loweringRead More
The Pitfall Of Pride
It’s difficult at times to avoid the trap of pride. There are people who continually boast and others believe them and want to follow along. As these people become more prideful they determine who can be in their little group or who can help them achieve their agenda. Their fame becomes broader and it appearsRead More