There are times in life when things move. These are times when we continue to learn new things. We get promotions on the job and new things are opening up for us. Suddenly things stop coming our way and we are left wondering why we are not moving ahead. The truth is we never stopRead More
Archives for February 2018
The Most Blessed Sound
There are numerous sounds we hear each day and each one is an indication of what is going on. The roar of an airplane engine lets us know one is flying overhead. Hammering is a hint someone is building something new or repairing something old. Church choirs bring music that creates worshipful moods. Bands andRead More
When Hurts Are Deep
There are times we just want to be alone. Some things are too heavy to bear and we need time to sort things out. Even then, we find there is no human answer that will fix what we are going through. We want to pray but we don’t have the words to say. There areRead More
The Assembled Multitudes
We wonder sometimes what heaven is like. We often ask ourselves are our loved ones happy and pain free. While it’s true that the full understanding and impact of heaven will not be known until we get there the Bible speaks very specifically about certain things. One by one we assemble in the glorious placeRead More
Slow To Anger
It is safe to say that everybody has anger to swell up at certain times. Someone got our promotion and we lost out. Someone wins a competition every time and we lose. Someone grabbed the last slice of cake right in front of us leaving us without any. All of these examples have one thingRead More
Peace During Hurts
There is a popular phrase that says forgive and forget. That sounds easy but when someone continues to issue the same heart aches over and over how do we forget. We give chance after chance only to be slapped in the face each time. It’s important to remember that forgiveness does not require that weRead More
Love Left Over
With things these days being so much about material things it’s hard to notice the unseen love. We will all have to give an account to God for how we use our time for Him. God will not judge us based on our ownership of the latest cell phone or the number of trophies onRead More
Envy Bites
There are examples in the Bible of jealousy and it is never pretty. Able brought an offering from his best lambs and Cain brought crops from his field. The Bible is not clear exactly why Cain’s offering was rejected. It could be that it wasn’t the first fruit but just a fruit. Many suggest thatRead More
Fertile Ground
The Bible often makes references to dust and soil. Adam was formed from dust. Jesus said one day our bodies will return to the dust. One of Jesus’ finest parables speaks of seeds that fall on different types of soil. It makes sense to think of ourselves as an area of soil ready to hearRead More
We Are His Children
There are times we feel love and acceptance all around us. Friends are but a phone call away and a home has a loving family. Things on the job are going well and opportunities to fellowship are in abundance. There are other times when we feel so very alone even in a crowd of people. Read More