Some things aren’t meant for us to know. When Jesus was confronted by a group of people wanting permission to stone an adulteress they were expecting Him to give the go ahead, but Jesus delayed His answer. People still ask today, what did Jesus write? It could be the actual words He wrote were notRead More
Archives for June 2018
Embarrassing Moments
It is much better to spend a few moments being honest with God than many hours of empty praise. God honors a true heart and He welcomes us to express to Him the times we fall short of His glory. There is peace knowing He has accepted us even when we make wrong choices orRead More
Long Seasons Of Disappointments
When we have Christ, we have everything. He provides for us daily and He has a beautiful eternity planned. So why is it we get discouraged when things in life do not go our way? We look around us and things seem to fall into place perfectly for others while we struggle. The answer isRead More
The Shadows Of Judgment From Others
It’s a fact that people do not understand what we go through. Unless they have been in the same set of circumstances they cannot even begin to understand. While some people experience medical issues or some form of abuse for many years, others can only pretend to be empathetic unless they too have been there.Read More
Clouds come in many shapes, sizes and shades each having its own purpose. When we see the white puffy clouds with brilliant blue all around and brightness we can’t help but to feel encouraged. The warmth on our backs and cool breezes makes it easy to want to get things done. Even the hardest ofRead More
Prayers For The Nations
It’s true that there are no perfect people, only Jesus Christ. There will always be differences of opinions because we are all made differently to fulfill specific purposes by God. He also knew from the beginning of time who would hold high offices in the nations and these people fit the plan of God forRead More
Riches Aren’t Everything
We may not have the latest technological advanced cell phone but there are people who still have to walk blocks to use just one telephone. Our shoes may be worn out or out of style but others have no shoes at all. Our faucet may drip but some people have to carry water in bucketsRead More
When The Lamb Is Silent
When God seems so far away and when prayers seem to bounce off the clouds back to us He is still here. When we are not hearing anything it could very well be He is listening. Have you ever wanted to talk to a friend yet the friend did all the talking. You didn’t getRead More
God Answers Our Prayers
Whether a prayer is answered almost immediately or years later He hears the prayers of His children. There have been times people gather in one accord agreeing and believing God for a specific thing and things start to unfold beautifully. Other times an older lady can pray for years for a younger family member toRead More
You Have Not Been Forgotten
Have you ever wondered if your efforts have been wasted? You work long hours while others leave early or on time. You make sure all tasks are finished each day per the instructions of the boss. You are never thanked. In fact you feel taken for granted but you know that it’s what God wouldRead More