God creates each of us with great love and much detail. He loves us unconditionally. While it is easy to get discourage when others seem to have more material things and more opportunities, God is fair. The ways of God tend to work differently than the way we would normally think. He is preparing anRead More
Archives for August 2018
The Salt Shaker
It’s a common occurrence for a person who loves Jesus and follows His instructions to suddenly be faced with a calamity. Our first prayer many times is to ask why this is happening. We do what is asked. We pray. We go to church regularly. What could possibly be wrong? It could be we haveRead More
Not Always A Cold Shoulder
There are times when a beloved friend suddenly becomes silent. He is not mad at us and there isn’t anything specifically going on in his life to make him withdraw. It’s possible we have experienced the same. We just don’t feel like talking, going out or involving in any activities. We are not depressed. WeRead More
Earthly Authorities
Election times come and go but the people in office are ones elected in good faith that they will serve well for the allotted time. Campaign promises can sometimes be empty and the people are left blindsided by unexpected consequences. It’s important to remember that God is still in charge of all things, even theRead More
Some Troubles Stay And Stay
Some things make no sense at all, especially when we pray for things to work out and the situation continues. There are certain troubles in life that stay for the duration. We continue to call on God and wonder why this particular situation haunts us day after day. Jesus spoke of a farmer and theRead More
God’s Glorious Hedge Of Protection
God’s divine protection comes in all shapes and sizes. When we walk through adversity God can be seen in ways that remind us the He is Lord in all things. Troubles come in many forms and the consequences they present are never pleasant. During the times people come against us for no reason God actsRead More
Anger Management?
Our world is out of control. People are angry but most do not know what brought about the anger. Many just join in with the crowd in order to vent. Unfortunately if anger is left unchecked it will become an addiction. The feeling of anger brings on a type of buzz or high for someRead More
Nobody Notices What All We Do
We all have moments in life when we feel our efforts do not matter. An athlete works just as hard as all competitors but only three get recognized; the first, second and third place winners. The feeling of not counting could easily take control and defeat us. Baseball teams have a batting roster and ourRead More
Taking Back What We Gave Up
When a grain of salt is placed into a glass of water it’s not long before that one grain blends in and is not noticed. It’s the same with people. Once a person starts to ignore God it’s not long before he/she will no longer recognize the tugging at the heart that only God canRead More
The Great I AM
God’s word is true. It stands the test of time. He never goes back on His word and He is with us in all things. We can always count on His truth. Even though we walk through times of darkness He lights our path. There are times when bad news continues to come. There areRead More