We praise God. We give thanks to Him. He is the Creator; the beginning and the end and everything in between. He never changes and for that reason we can count on Him. His answers will always be the same according to scripture. Imagine receiving honor back from Almighty God. He says in His wordRead More
Archives for November 2018
Big Gifts In Oddly Shaped Packages
Let’s not all rush to grab the biggest package under the tree at a white elephant party. The biggest present is usually the biggest disappointment. It seems nobody wants the odd shaped present wrapped carelessly but that gift sometimes has hidden money. It’s not the size, beauty or shape that matters. It is the oneRead More
Your Own Best Friend
When someone treats you wrong do you wonder what is wrong with you or do you think they are having a difficult time? Do you ever look back at your life and wish you had of done things differently or do you take today and look at how to expand what you have? If yourRead More
Second Place
Everyone wants to be in first place. In a band it’s first chair. In a race it’s first place. In a championship game it’s the gold trophy. It’s easy to walk away pumped up after earning these status recognitions but what about second place. People who win second place, third place or no place atRead More
Miracles Along The Way
Abiding in God is the answer to all things. While we walk along the path of life we cross many things we do not expect nor understand, God understands all things in great detail. We come across obstacles and see no way across. At times we are blinded by sudden disasters and see no wayRead More
Waves Of The Sea
Most of us have walked along the sand shore of a beach. The waters come only so far and no further. Each wave rises up only to be calmed before it reaches the limitations God has placed. Sometimes high tide allow the waters to come further but even then, the waves are stilled at theRead More
Crushed Hope
In the state of Maine USA there is a tree which has long been dead. It still stands today dried up with no chance of any new buds or limbs. However a beautiful growth has appeared from this very tree that only God can create. When we look at this tree it gives renewed hopeRead More
Praising And Singing
With a voice of singing let it be known that Jesus is Lord. Many sing and many accompany but which ever we do, let it be lifted up to our Lord. Many will say they don’t know how to sing but singing is any voice raised up to glorify God. Some will say they haveRead More
When We Get Our Way And When We Do Not
There are times things work out exactly like we want. We are excited and happy for a while but then it’s back to business as usual. Other times things work out totally opposite the way we want and our neighbor is excited and happy for a while. Once the excitement and happiness wears off, it’sRead More
It Doesn’t Make Sense
Sometimes we walk through seasons in life where nothing fits. Everything falls apart. We make our plans and something comes up to distract us or destroy everything we work toward. Our friends who are always pleasant toward us act harshly. We have not said nor done anything to anger them but somehow each one isRead More