While some people get noticed for every single thing they do we sometimes wonder if we are even important. These people walk into the room and they have such a charisma about them that others automatically flock to them. They put forth no special effort but everybody wants to be their friend. They are noticedRead More
Archives for May 2019
But They Got By With That
Someone wrongs us and they continue on with life business as usual. They feel no effects of the hurt they brought upon us. We wonder how they could feel guilt free when the harm they brought to us is unbearable. It’s as thought they have no clue the hurt they brought to us and unfortunatelyRead More
When Boasting Causes Envy
It’s hard sometimes to not be envious of people who always boast about their achievements. We know we can never fill such shoes yet these people boast about every last thing they do. They get a gig and have to tell everyone about it in great detail boasting about how they got chosen. Then theyRead More
Spiritual Graffiti
It’s everywhere almost. We walk down the street and fences are covered with graffiti. Large letters, small letters, designs, images and even profanity covers walls, fences and rocks. It’s not pretty yet the people spray painting these things find it amusing, pleasing or comforting. For some it’s a mark of achievement. He/she has claimed aRead More
Arguments And Disagreements
These days we see more people not getting along. Each one seems to want the last word and even then, the argument is not won. Some arguments are not worth the time and effort to entertain yet the competition of winning the last word is enticing to some people. Even the person winning the lastRead More
Love’s Archway
God protects us from beginning until the end. He is with us in all things and through all things. The very rainbow He placed in the sky as a sign that the entire earth will not be flooded is a sign for us today that He still protects us. It forms an arch to remindRead More
A Christian’s Responsibility concerning Elected Officials
No matter who is in office it is our responsibility to pray for those men and women. God allowed them to serve for His Own reason. Whether he or she is the one where we placed our vote or just the opposite prayer still works. God made us in His image and He can changeRead More
A Friend In Jesus
The friendship circle we have today will determine how we live our lives ten years from now. There are parents who tell their children the same thing. It’s important to be very selective who we hang with because our influences rub off on each other. If we have friends who are wise and always encourageRead More
From Obstacle To Opportunity
From grief comes comfort. From challenges comes opportunities to overcome. From brokenness comes grace. From silence comes His still voice. From sickness comes restoration either on earth or in heaven. From darkness comes light. From confession comes forgiveness. From despair comes hope. All things we give to God and He turns around for our goodRead More
Scary Changes
It’s a fact of life. Changes happen and with change there is usually a goodbye to something. An elderly person in our life who offers us the wisest advice slowly ebbs into dependence on others. We grasp at every remote change for the better that things can be the same as what we are usedRead More