A haystack doesn’t have to be very big to hide a needle. It’s the same with the desires of the world that crowd out the will of God.
The devil is famous for making things extremely attractive to lure people away from God’s will. The devil is patient and he will be back. Just one small temptation at a time over and over is his most successful tactic. The temptations will be so enchanting that it becomes difficult to want to walk away. Then there becomes the day when all the cares of the world come to a consequence too big to handle. There is a lot of confusion wanting to know what God desires and wanting to handle things the world’s way.
Jesus gives us the authority to rebuke the devil and he has to flee. When the devil is rebuked and out of the way things become clear. To clearly understand the instructions of God means to remove the things that are not of God.
Ephesians 5:10-11
Learn as you go along what pleases the Lord. Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness, but instead, rebuke and expose them.
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