When planting seeds to harvest, they do not grow to the harvesting stage overnight. Growth starts underground where it seems nothing is happening at all. Each type of crop will determine how soon small blades of green start to appear.
It is the same way with human actions. It may seem that a person gets by with injustice. If it is a deep seed of injustice it will take a long time to mature where people can see it.
The sinner,s which are all people, have planted such seeds. Things get confusing when a sinner turns around, gives his life to Christ then lives humbly before God and people. Many times it is at that point of humility and changed life that the consequences of the former seeds of sin and injustice will start to sprout. These are the times when the devil has a party. A person has turned around and is living right but here comes the consequences of the seeds planted earlier. This fact can be very discouraging to a new Christian and can cause him to stumble back into his old ways. Then suddenly after picking back up old habits comes the fruits of the times he was humble. The devil can really have fun with that. The devil is creating an illusion that rewards are for being bad and consequences are for being good. He uses the time that it takes for seeds to grow to create illusions that will favor doing bad. Therefore it is important for new Christians to cling to the Bible, fellowship with other Christians and seek friendships with others who are strong in the faith. Consequences happen much later. Rewards work the same way. They happen later. Depending on the seed planted, results come at various time spans.
Galatians 6:7-8
Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.
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