When we are wronged it causes distrust of that person or persons. Whether it be that we are set up to fail or rudely denied an earned privilege it is wrong. Our emotions run wild and it’s hard to get a grip on the reality of what just took place. There is one wrong that ranks high on the list of hurts and that is deception.
A person knows they are doing wrong but they do so in the way of helpfulness to disguise the true motive. They can bring a gift to a new mother but the true motive is the check out the home so they can put down the mother and her choice of decor. Someone offers to pray so details are told to them just so they can go gossip and laugh with their friends over the prayer request. A super helpful person crowds others out from helping only to garner praise. There are lots of ways to deceive people and once the deception is discovered the pain is unreal.
Deception comes in ways that are hard to explain. Therefore the deceivers go unnoticed by the general public or in many cases the boss. That’s what hurts the most, nobody notices or understands. Deception leaves us all alone with hurts that only we understand and possibly the one doing the deceiving.
Deceivers operate in the gray zone. They maximize our pain while keeping it where nobody knows other than to think the deceiver is a wonderful helper. Watching their praise only rubs salt in an open sore. It can be explained in two words: It hurts. But then there is God.
Remember in Genesis where the devil deceived Eve who then deceived Adam. God’s punishment was and still is permanent. No more garden of Eden for them and no more walking upright for the devil. The devil continually pulls on the coattails of deceivers to do his dirty work and they are quick to obey the schemes.
Deception loses friends, trust and respect. Unfortunately the only recourse we have are these three things, loss of trust, friendship and respect toward these deceivers. However God sees and knows all things. This gray zone where deceivers operate are hidden from most people but God sees it very well and His punishment will not be pretty when He acts. While we should be polite and kind toward all people there are some situations we are expected to run away as fast as we can.
Are we being chicken to run away? Absolutely not! God expects us to fellowship with other believers in order to grow into His likeness, never to conform to being accepted by deceivers. Jesus loves us. He died for us and in due time he will deal with these people. But isn’t it comforting to know God has our back? He will not allow things to develop but only so far. We may not see their comeuppances but it doesn’t matter. God has our back. In His timing and His way He will lift us up.
Psalm 101:7-8 New Living Translation (NLT)
I will not allow deceivers to serve in My house, and liars will not stay in My presence.
My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip.