As we read our Bibles we see that we are to put aside our old ways or to deny ourselves. This means we are to give up old habits such as lies, stealing, lust, jealousy and numerous other things that are hard to give up. This sounds easy but it is not. In fact itRead More
Well Digging Faith
Professional well diggers know that the process is slow and steps must be taken along the way to prevent dirt from immediately filling back up the hole. If one small neglect or one short cut is taken, the well will never happen. Diggers know that the deepest wells produce the purest water so it’s importantRead More
Thankful For Blessings
Each day we enjoy daylight and evening that we did not create. The breaths we take are a gift from God. We did not knit ourselves together in our mother’s womb yet we live day to day. Communication with family and friends in ways we understand is graciously supplied to us by God. During hardships,Read More
What Purpose?
There are people who play a musical instrument very well while we struggle with notes. There are people that are gifted at keeping a good conversation and at times they will take a conversation completely away from another person and us. We listen to a pastor gifted in delivering soul winning sermons while we struggleRead More
Expectations V/S God’s Answers
Sometimes we ponder what things would be like if only…….. We pray for things in life and we imagine an answer yet we are often disappointed when things work out differently. We want friendships to be restored or we want a certain dating parter and we pray for a specific person or relationship. As weRead More
Oceans Of Confusion
To the best of our human ability we follow the instructions of God. We refer to our Bibles and pray in all things. It’s understandable to expect a smooth ride through life as we continue our loyalty to God’s leadership. Unfortunately for most of us, rising waters and waves in deep waters come to hitRead More
How Do We Represent God
A good gauge on how we represent God is to take an honest look at how we represent our own self on a job. Do our actions reflect what Jesus would do? How do we conduct ourselves when the boss is away? Remember, our Lord is ever present in our lives. How do we presentRead More
When Things Seem To Come Against Us
It happens to us all at some time or another. Everywhere we turn the answer is “no.” Blessings that come in the form of an answer to prayer are bestowed on our friends and not us. Promotions automatically happen to coworkers who are always on break while we work hard and get none. Nationally thereRead More
Unexpected Hardships
Storms come that create floods. Fires happen that destroy everything in its path. Landslides occasionally occur covering the land below. All these things happen when we least expect it. Weather patterns change and the earth quakes shaking up everything around us and we are left surprised almost every time. In all this God is inRead More
The Joy Yet To Come
We have all fallen short of the glory of God but that’s why we have the love of Jesus Christ. He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. God understands our slip ups and our failures but He restores us each time. When we purposely go against God’s will He will allowRead More