Doesn’t it seem like certain people get all the breaks? A beautiful lady walks into an interview and immediately gets promoted above you. You have been at the company for years and you have always pleased your boss. What’s up this time? Why does this brand new beautifully shaped, gorgeous faced and innocently countenanced lady come in brand new and get it all?
You have remained loyal to God, to you boss, to your duties and what is rightfully yours is taken away when the opening becomes available. What is so perfect about this person that she turns heads wherever she walks.
You see her as perfect. You are jealous, angry and gossipy over this situation. You will do anything in your power to let others know how unfairly you are treated. Who can blame you? You are definitely wronged by the hiring managers and shunned by your own boss. You watch while your boss and higher ranked workers giggle all around her while she innocently smiles back at them. Everything she says and does is gold. She gets invited out to lunch often. In fact the lunches are long. You are left doing all the work.
You are the one God studies because He is pleased that you are working directly for Him. You are the one seeing to it the needs of the company are being met which pleases God. You are the one who acknowledges God in all things. You are the one who cannot be compared to this new girl in the work place because your achievements continually promote the company. Your achievements tell others faced with your same situation that your lifestyle is a witness for Christ.
Just as you are faced with the test of patience, the new girl is faced with other temptations all her own.
God will promote you in His timing and His way, possibly not at this company but He will promote you. God notices your loyalty and your trust and He will not disgrace you. It’s important for you to continue your loyalty to God regardless of what others around you are doing. Your reward comes from the heavenly realm.
Galatians 6:4-5 Living Bible
Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done and won’t need to compare himself with someone else. Each of us must bear some faults and burdens of his own. For none of us is perfect!
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