When we don’t have answers God does. There are occasions that are so full of joy that we just smile, cry and hug. A military soldier suddenly surprises everyone with a visit. The happiness is beyond words. There a million things we want to say but words do not happen. Other times are not soRead More
Pray For Each Other
Prayer is the best thing one person can do for another. We do not have to know or understand the situation of another person because God knows all things. Prayer accomplishes many great things because it opens communication between God and us where the floodwaters of heaven can pour down directly onto the object ofRead More
Revenge Is Never Justified
The saying goes there are two sides to every story. No two people agree on every single thing. There are times when both people are right yet the opinions differ. Other times both people are wrong or just one person is wrong. Each person has his or her own reason for their opinion based onRead More
Between Friends
There are friends who are there for the moment. Once the purpose is fulfilled there is a chance that particular friend will go his own way never to be seen or heard from again. This could be the person who said the right thing at the right time bringing many to Christ. There are friendsRead More
The Friends And Enemies Of Silence
Silence can be the strongest asset or the worst enemy depending on how it is used. When words hurt people it’s best to remain silent. When a person is reaching out for advice for a situation where all sides of the story are unclear, an offer to pray is the best answer. Sometimes a listeningRead More
Lights Camera Action
The actor is on stage in his costume ready to speak his well rehearsed lines. He does an award winning performance. The audience stands with much excitement. The applause, whistles and yells for another curtain call and bow are so powerful they seem to shake the whole theatre. The actor goes back to his dressingRead More
Togetherness No Matter What
In Christ we are never alone. No matter how dark the night, His light shines above. No matter how much we cannot see His hand, He sees from a heavenly view. No matter how long without hearing a word of encouragement, His words never fail. No matter how alone we may feel, He hasRead More
Inside Out
When we get ready for the day we choose what we will wear, how to fix our hair and even what attitude we will present. Depending on what we know about the day ahead of us, we prepare accordingly by fixing ourselves on the outside. The circumstances, people and atmosphere many times determine how weRead More
Peaceful Comfort
Life has many challenges and disappointments. As we walk through these times, the most comfort a person can give is prayer and understanding. Sometimes we can approach a boss or another higher ranking person in our lives with a situation that needs to be resolved. It will be resolved but no prayer is offered andRead More
Bonding In Love And Wisdom
There is nothing more peaceful than to sit with an older person who prays and calls your name out to God. The bond is special. Things on your mind that you don’t even understand yourself are somehow understood by this elderly person. As you stumble over words trying to explain feelings, facts, hurts and frustrationsRead More