Imagine a blind man who sees for the first time. During his life people explain the best way they know how the beauty of what the eye sees. The coolness of the color green or the warmth of the colors orange or yellow can be explained in many ways but it doesn’t quite capture theRead More
Handling Sad News
Receiving bad news during our lifetime is a fact. We may have all confidence that we aced an interview but later get news that another person was awarded the job. We study for days and even weeks for a school exam and the questions we are prepared to answer are not on the test. AsRead More
Quality Of Life
None of us are guaranteed tomorrow or even next hour. It’s how we live our lives during the moments we have now that determine the fullness of life. Most of us have known people who live to be ninety to a hundred years old and these people are a gold mine of wise counsel. UnfortunatelyRead More
When The Crisis Spotlight Is On Us
There is an old saying that states “When things get tough the tough get going.” While there is some truth in this statement the word tough can mean a lot of things. People trained for military purposes go through harsh rituals learning to endure all types of hardships without showing any emotions. As a result,Read More
The Assembled Multitudes
We wonder sometimes what heaven is like. We often ask ourselves are our loved ones happy and pain free. While it’s true that the full understanding and impact of heaven will not be known until we get there the Bible speaks very specifically about certain things. One by one we assemble in the glorious placeRead More
Pain After Problem Is Gone
There are many things in life we walk through and the emotional pain remains long after the situation passes. At times we will still feel the sting in our hearts where a person bullied us as a child. Many times the memory of an adult who has long since passed away will bring tears toRead More
Heavenly Sonshine
We grieve when we look around us and many of our loved ones have already been received into heaven. Their absence can be compared to us missing a part of our life. It’s a normal healing process to grieve and to remember the times we shared together. We think about the good old days butRead More
When Weeping Becomes Joy
When we think of heaven only joyful things come to mind. Troubles are over and the weather is always perfect. We never get tired. Our tormenters are not there and our earthly enemies are nice to us. The desires of our hearts that were not fully met on earth will be completed in heaven. ThereRead More
And The Grief Continues
We have all said goodbye to people we love as they are called home. The void left behind by their absence is indescribable. The more we love them the longer and more intense the grief. Their presence is kept alive in our hearts and in our precious memories. Many say the average grief time isRead More
Glorious Life After Death
The things God tells us in His Bible are true. We can count on all things He says and have no doubt. He gives us many examples to identify with that we witness every day. Many people refer to beautiful butterflies that were once lowly caterpillars. Those caterpillars not only spin a cocoon but insideRead More