God created the sun and moon in such a way that it creates a gravitational pull. This pull causes the ocean to have waves. The waters are pulled one way then another and it never stops. If the waves ever stop then the pull of gravity has stopped. Grief is the same way. A personRead More
In our lives are family and friends and as we get older the times of grief are more often. There is no way to explain the void we feel when a loved one is called home and we are still here. That very long first night with many sleepless hours of missing our loved oneRead More
Walking Through Grief
It is a true fact given to us by God Himself that we are appointed to die. Therefore it’s important to make the most of our earthly lives while we wait on God to bring us home. The key to life is the excitement of being brought home. Home for God’s children is forever. ThereRead More
Hope For A Shattered Heart
Valleys come in all forms but the one that stands out most is a broken heart. It is a fact of life that things will change with the only consistency being God Himself. He never changes and His promises are things we can always cling to no matter what we walk through. Losses grieve theRead More
Until We Meet Again
There is great sadness when a loved one is received into heaven and we are without that person. Many will tell us to hang on to fond memories which comfort some people for the moment while others grieve even more. Jesus Christ has made all things possible since He overcame even death. Through Jesus ChristRead More
Life’s Journey
It’s time for a family reunion. All plans have been made. The meeting place is established and all family members are expected to join in the celebration. Some people will start their journey a week ahead of time and arrive a few days early while others will arrive just in time for the big dinner. Read More
Too Complicated
Have you ever had a situation so complex you just throw up your hands? You want to call on God but can’t even think of a question to ask Him. The hurts are deep because it took years to evolve to all of this. It could also be a sudden disappointment leaving you in aRead More
When We Don’t Understand Sorrow
To learn more about God and Who He really is, will enable us to know more about why things sometime happen the way they do. During the times when we miss someone deeply and the tears of emptiness don’t stop, God understands. The next embrace with the person we love so dearly will be inRead More
God’s Love Keeps Us Together
God has plans for our lives here on earth. We cross paths with many people through the years. The people we meet are never by accident. Some people are sent as sand paper to polish our rough edges while others are sent as a peaceful security blanket. People come into our lives who impact usRead More
Love Unending
God loved us even before we were born. His mercy, grace and love never end. God is the beginning and He has no end. Through Jesus Christ there is an eternity in the loving arms of our God. The song, Amazing Grace tells us that when we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining asRead More