It’s hard sometimes to not be envious of people who always boast about their achievements. We know we can never fill such shoes yet these people boast about every last thing they do. They get a gig and have to tell everyone about it in great detail boasting about how they got chosen. Then theyRead More
A Christian’s Responsibility concerning Elected Officials
No matter who is in office it is our responsibility to pray for those men and women. God allowed them to serve for His Own reason. Whether he or she is the one where we placed our vote or just the opposite prayer still works. God made us in His image and He can changeRead More
From Obstacle To Opportunity
From grief comes comfort. From challenges comes opportunities to overcome. From brokenness comes grace. From silence comes His still voice. From sickness comes restoration either on earth or in heaven. From darkness comes light. From confession comes forgiveness. From despair comes hope. All things we give to God and He turns around for our goodRead More
When We Do Not See God’s Hand
When we pray it’s a natural thing to do to immediately seek a result. We pray for a healing so the thing we look for is less pain or for a loved one to be raised up quickly. Other times we pray for a specific job or opportunity and the next day we look forRead More
When We Are Mad At The World
Face it, there are days we just have a bad mood. Some people call it getting up on the wrong side of the bed. These days come as a thief in the night. When we least expect it we are mad at every single thing that comes our way. We are already set off andRead More
The Storm Before The Blessing
Have you ever noticed that during a sports event the opposing team is hovering all around a person in scoring position? If a basketball player is within tossing the ball into the hoop the other team hovers making it difficult to make the shot. It’s the same in hockey when the goalie guards the netRead More
Run And Not Be Weary
Our Lord spoke to the church of Sardis in the book of Revelation acknowledging the people who still remain true to Him. What He stated to Sardis applies to us today. Things all around us are becoming almost unknown to us. We turn on the TV set, which should be for family, we see commercialsRead More
Why Do People Hate Me?
It’s all around us. Road rage, evil campaigning, back stabbing and manipulation are everywhere. People are setting up others to fail or to make someone look bad in order to cover up the things they do themselves. Smiling faces from people who despise us are a sure set up for personal gain. They want ourRead More
The Dreaded Enemies
Enemies are all around us. Things that should be right are now wrong. People get by with all types of things while we get our hands slapped for no reason at all. Certain wrong doings are praised by the multitudes while right doing is frowned upon. Does this sound familiar? The Bible speaks clearly ofRead More
Selective Listening
Small children will sometimes pick what they want to hear from a sentence and disregard the rest. A mom will tell her child that if she picks up her toys there will be a cookie for her. She hears the cookie part but totally ignores the instruction part. Unfortunately we are all guilty of theRead More