It happens to us all. We expect something and it doesn’t happen. As young children we have long wish lists of things for Santa to bring but somehow the one thing we wanted most from our list isn’t under the tree. As we get older we are promised things that never happen and the people who let us down do not give it a second thought.
Unfortunately when we depend on people there are many times we will be let down. We live in a world where keeping a promise is rare. We are continually being stood up by people who promise to meet us. There are ones who do not show up and give no explanation when we count on them to fill an important purpose. There are some who never pay back stating pay is coming. After a while they start to manipulate our minds to falsely remember that they already paid us back. Unkept promises are a big letdown and if not careful it will rob our joy.
There becomes a time when we must find our strength and encouragement from Christ alone. We take inventory of the blessings we have today and express gratitude. Our greatest expectations will happen when we place our trust in God. Christ will see to it that we have the type of friends in our lives that He Personally sends us. As for today, we give thanks for even the smallest things because Jesus is everything and fills all voids. Jesus loves us.
Philippians 4:12-13 New Living Translation
I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, Who gives me strength.
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