Why is it that sad news makes us feel so all alone? We learn someone we know is walking through an illness or rough time. A phone call comes to us with unexpected lab results. Someone we care for deeply betrays us.
Usually the first reaction to such news is to withdraw in order for our minds to sort everything out. Nobody can truly understand what another person walks through in life because no two roads in life are exactly the same. While we can understand the devastation and feelings another walks through we do not experience the exact same bump in the road.
The best friend we can have is Jesus Christ Who has experienced it all. God created us and He knows our hearts, emotions and upsets. What better person to walk with us than the love of Jesus Christ. We love Him even though we have never seen Him on this side of life. Jesus tells us blessed are those who have not seen but believe. Blessings are coming but in the present time we need comfort.
We need a hug. We need to speak to one who has skin on them and we want to hear an actual voice. God provides family and friends at the right moment to be with us. Most of the time we just want to be heard and understood. No lectures and no sermons about when they experienced things while they take the conversation over. We want them to understand us for right now. The best ministry one can give to us is their presence uninterrupted by a cell phone or other distractions.
There are times nobody is available but we can sit in a chair and ask God to sit in a chair across from us while we verbally cry things out. We may not see Him but somehow calmness comes to us when we allow God to hear us. This calmness is like nothing a human can give.
What do we say to someone who needs for us to hear them? The best words to give is that we stand with them in prayer during their time of need and be present for them to speak. Presence and a listening ear is very much needed in the world today. Cell phones and the seeking for happiness has taken over, especially with people who have rejected God. A quiet peaceful presence will draw more people to Christ than we will ever know. Jesus is our best friend and the wisest counselor and He makes His presence known in the stillness of life.
Deuteronomy 31:8 New International Version (NIV)
The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”