It’s amazing how the same letters that spell silent are the same ones that spell listen. There is a lot to be learned by just being quiet before God. The chirping of birds or the calm movement of river waters go unnoticed unless we focus on being still. It’s in the simple things around us we hear God’s voice. We see the vastness of His night time creation in the heavens. The stars, moon and beautiful sunsets show us that God can do all things because He Is all things.
When we ponder our difficulties, most come from other people and the difference of ways they do things from us. There are attitudes and some people will purposely try to trip us up or cause us to fail in some things. Even then, it’s not our place to judge but only to speak to God about how He intends to intervene on behalf of us and how He plans to accomplish His purpose.
At times He may send others as witnesses and we have an opportunity to speak. Other times He will place someone in our paths as an invitation to let them know our struggles. Still other times He will provide solitude in the midst of the greatest heart aches for us to remain silent.
God knows what He is doing and He knows the end result. What He sees and knows are things unknown to us. This is where we place our trust in the One Who knows all things. He never shows favoritism and what He did for Moses during critical times, He will do the same for us. God knows how to plan an escape, attack or a stand off.
In stillness we find the silent presence of God. Even though God is present at all times, it’s when we take the time to listen we find His silent comfort. God is bigger and any facts and He will personally see to it our obstacles are overcome so we can peacefully walk through even the biggest storms.
During the times He calls us to be still and know, He is doing the work for us and He will not disappoint us. The timing may be much later than what we think it should be but God is with us throughout the entire wait. Be still and know that He is God.
Exodus 14:14 Living Bible (TLB)
The Lord will fight for you, and you won’t need to lift a finger!”