Have you ever wondered why evil people get by with evil doings? Most people have wondered the same thing. These people go on about their evil deeds making things difficult for you. You pray and seek God’s will yet the fiery darts continue to hit where it does the most damage.
The spiritual answer is that the evil people are under the control and mind set of the devil. They have no remorse over evil deeds and punishment always excludes them. Even if they get a reprimand they don’t recognize it as anything but a small bump in the road.
People who trust Christ as their savior are always under the opposition of the devil. The devil works hard to bring God’s people to the dark side. That’s why there are so many challenges to being a Christian. The devil will not challenge those who are already his.
While you sometimes wonder why punishment never comes to them it’s important to know that everything gets fully settled in heaven. You have the assurance that things will be well for you even though things are difficult now. The evil people will suddenly be cut off leaving them totally confused.
There are times God will allow some type of a trauma to come to an evil person in an effort to get him/her to turn to God. Even the smallest challenge to evil people throws them into total confusion and upset because they are used to having everything easy. Therefore when you see good things happening to evil people while you struggle, know it’s a temporary situation.
All people must face God whether they believe this or not. Evil people will suddenly know everything and understand why others gave them hints along the way. It will be too late for them. On the other hand, your life is secure and you will live an eternity pain free, trouble free and temptation free. Your main blessings are ahead. Whatever you feel you miss out on here will be waiting for you there with no spot or wrinkle and it can never be taken away.
Proverbs 6:12-15 New International Version (NIV)
A troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth, who winks maliciously with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers, who plots evil with deceit in his heart—he always stirs up conflict. Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.