A soldier is trained for battle. He has gone through basic training and harsh treatment from the higher ups. He has endured long nights and intense physical exhaustion. He watches while his friends get assigned to front line duties, air patrol, rescue missions or other critical duties. When he gets his assignment he gets assigned to clerical duties. What a harsh disappointment. What did he do wrong? Nothing. Why was he assigned to a duty that requires nothing he was trained to do? No reason at all.
When God is in control any of us can be assigned to wait and wait and wait. We are anxious to get involved but there are no volunteer positions anywhere. This happens sometimes in churches too. Our physical presence is not needed in any form of service. What is God trying to tell us? We are prepared, talented, have a good attitude and we get along with the people but we just are not needed. Have we asked God?
Have we prayed to see what God will show us? During all our training and preparation to be involved, have we spent the whole time chasing our dream and not taken time for God? We wait and wait but could it be God waits for us just to call His Name? Once we approach God asking where He would have us to serve the waiting becomes more peaceful. The waiting is now in His control and not the control of our earthly superiors. We are free of trying to figure it all out.
We are at peace to mount up our wings and gain strength while waiting because we wait for the One who has the ultimate control. It won’t be long before we find ourselves in a ministry that glorifies God and helps others. Things will just happen. Just turn the waiting to God Who can do all things.
Isaiah 30:18 New Living Translation (NLT)
So the Lord must wait for you to come to Him so He can show you His love and compassion.
For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for His help.