The Bible is very clear that in the last days there will be warning signs. In fact we live in a time where those signs are here. Technology is beyond human imagination, people and nations are against nations and the gospel is being broadcast by satellite all over the world. There are earthquakes more often and bigger than ever before. Seasons are more intense. Weather patterns are extreme.
How sad that most people think nothing of this. If the truth is pointed out to them we are viewed as crazy. Many will turn their backs on us because the truth is not the cool thing for them. Some who have always said they love our Lord will become distant toward us because they were never of us.
Anything that has anything to do with Jesus Christ is being removed because people cannot emotionally handle the convictions of doing wrong. Unfortunately removing the convictions does not remove the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and all people will face Him sooner than later.
The word repent means a change of heart but people would rather remove the tugging at the heart than to make things right. This is what’s going on today. People do not want to get things right because the darkness of lies is more appealing. It offers a passing pleasure that can be irresistible. These are sad days yet for a repentant heart these are days of rejoicing because the day of our Lord is very close. If the Apostle Paul thought time was short, then even more so should we be prepared at all times. Time is short yet there is still time for people to get things right. Jesus Saves. Jesus is the only Savior.
Matthew 13:15 New Living Translation
For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.
Matthew 3:2 New Living Translation
“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
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