When we live for our Lord, all things we say and do should be in obedience it Him. As humans it takes time to become more Christlike. We have our desires, stubbornnesses and anger that we try to manage. Things in this world are so unfair that it’s a common thing to want to retort or defend. While there will be times and situations that promote us to speak up, most times will call for us to bring the dilemmas to God in prayer. Sometimes it takes every ounce of strength and self control we have when exercising Christlike responses in unfair situations, especially dealing with people. Here is one example of many:
There are bosses who have good employees working for them. Somehow these bosses favor the ones doing wrong and who have attitudes. It’s almost a fear type thing that they want to try to please the ones who are always on break and do not complete the work assigned to them. At promotion time the hard working people do no get the promotions they earned while these promotions go to the ones who may make issues for the boss if they are not promoted. Eventually the hard workers will move on or retire. This example is two fold.
The boss will one day face God and will have to explain to God why the good worker was overlooked. The workers who did not do their assignments will also have to explain to God why they took promotions and money unfairly. On the other hand the hard worker will be asked to give an account. Did the hard workers do their jobs as if they were working directly for God or did they work extra hard to please an impossible boss? None of us are exempt from facing God and the things we account for are the things in our hearts.
What is the motive behind why we do or think the way we do? That’s where God grows us into the likeness of Christ. It’s not the actions we take physically as much as it is our attitudes and motives. Do we remain prayerful as we work hard under an impossible boss and trust God? As a boss, do we remain honest and true to God in how we treat each employee? Our attitudes and obedience to God during the most difficult situations are the treasures we send to heaven before us.
We may never see the earthly rewards we earn. We may never be noticed for the things we say and do in Christ. However God will open heaven to us one day and everything we missed here will be rewarded to us there. The rewards in heaven are forever and nobody can compete and take them away. If we get some rewards here then praise God but our true rewards are stored and waiting for us in heaven.
Matthew 6:19-20 Living Bible (TLB)
Don’t store up treasures here on earth where they can erode away or may be stolen. Store them in heaven where they will never lose their value and are safe from thieves.