In life there are many options to solving problems. Sometimes the options are numerous while other times options seem to run out very quickly. It’s natural to try all possible ways to work things out. This is especially true in relationships where one person really wants to move toward a marriage while the other is nowhere ready. Various things are tried in an effort to move things forward which lead to yet another hurry up and wait situation.
There are some illnesses where options are offered and things improve for a little while then it’s back to square one all over again.
Companies promise advancement and a person is told to take additional responsibility which creates a path to success. Things seem hopeful when bosses give a kind compliment of a job well done. Suddenly those hopes turn to disappointment when a brand new person gets the position. Not only is there a feeling of defeat but burn out when the same amount of work is expected while others do not work as hard.
There are many examples of disappointment when all efforts fail. These are times when only God can make a difference. The hardest thing to do many times is nothing at all. As long as there is an option there is a feeling of getting somewhere. God has a better way. His ways are not our ways but better. His ways never disappoint but bring something brand new.
Just as an airplane soars when it reaches the end of the runway, there are endless possibilities when people reach the end of their options. When human understanding is all gone, God’s endless understanding begins.
Psalm 37:5-7a
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this:
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
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