It’s strange how picking up the phone to complain is second nature to a lot of people. Somebody wrongs a person or a company fails to keep a promise. It prompts a letter or call to express anger. A person is in a hurry and fails to see a crying friend who could really useRead More
Archives for January 2016
The Breath Of God
There is one thing that keeps coming to mind. The people who drive beat up Fords and live in worn out houses are the same people who are rich in love. It is those people who are there with prayers, compassion, hugs and a listening ear. They are rich in love because they understand whatRead More
Comeuppance For Enemies
Mark 4:22 New Living Translation tells us that for everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. Those are comforting words to hear but how do you get through those times in between the offense and the justice served? In today’s time people areRead More
Evidence Of Ownership
A person purchases a used car. Even though this car has many flaws the owner sees potential. The papers are signed and the new owner brings the car home. The car does not sit in the garage unused just to have it to show. Instead, the owner starts working on it. Dings need to beRead More
Walk A Mile In My Shoes
To walk a mile in another person’s shoes sounds simple enough, but it is not. Their shoes will either be too tight, too loose or rub in all the wrong places creating a discomfort. People’s shoes always wear differently as each person puts pressure on different parts of their feet as they walk. The growingRead More
A Path In The Wilderness
Sometimes beautiful trees are chopped down to create a pathway to a destination. A lot of times a tree can stand for years and bring beautiful scenes in the fall and shade in the summer. It seems almost shameful to remove such a tree. When we focus on the beauty of that one treeRead More
He Comforts
Sometimes people will say that the best day of their life is a day free of all troubles. It is compared to a sunny warm spring day. All flowers are blooming with no pollen blowing. Everybody is getting along and there is a smile on everyone’s face. To take a day like that and multiplyRead More