There is one thing that keeps coming to mind. The people who drive beat up Fords and live in worn out houses are the same people who are rich in love. It is those people who are there with prayers, compassion, hugs and a listening ear. They are rich in love because they understand what it’s like to do without.
There are people who drive a luxury automobile, have a house on a lake and a healthy good looking body. They are full of empty words and broken promises yet people flock to be their friends. There are occasional exceptions to these rules. For the most part many people rely on wealth which has no eternal value..
God’s love never deceives. God shows no favoritism. God loves us all the same and judges us all fairly. It is the breath of God that gives life to our spirit which is housed in our body. No person should ever be drawn to what is earthly appealing to the eye. All that goes away. Looking beyond material things people own and looking into a person’s heart is where we find the greatest riches in a person.
Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
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