When planting seeds to harvest, they do not grow to the harvesting stage overnight. Growth starts underground where it seems nothing is happening at all. Each type of crop will determine how soon small blades of green start to appear. It is the same way with human actions. It may seem that a person getsRead More
Archives for June 2016
When Everything Seems To Go Wrong
Sometimes it is easier to deal with one big hardship than numerous small things coming all at once. There are times when so many small things mount up that a person will break down and cry over a simple broken fingernail. It’s not the fingernail but instead a combination of many things. Whether it isRead More
Some Of Prayer’s Obstacles
Bitterness, resentment, jealousy, anger and apathy are a few of the many ways we handle people who have wronged us. When we seek God for peace where we have been wronged by someone, our first word should be “Father.” This is putting God first, seeking His solution and showing respect. Has it ever been thatRead More
A Gratitude Attitude
There are times when trials come our way and it’s difficult to be grateful for what God is planning. However when we see the end result it is so beautiful that the hardships were well worth the wait. There are other trials that come our way as a result of attitudes of others. We payRead More
Irritations To Beauty
Has it ever been where just one minor thing gets on your last nerve. There are many examples. What if the postal carrier delivers your mail each day and doesn’t even attempt to close your box, yet he closes all your neighbor’s boxes? What if you worked hard on a musical program and your nameRead More
Step By Step
Climbing stairs isn’t always relaxing and easy. The higher the climb the more energy it seems to take. With each new trial comes a new step up as obstacles are overcome. Growing in grace means to step away from a habit that is like a heavy weight. Habits can be almost like ropes that preventRead More
The Set Up
Trials are a preview of the blessings God is planning. Spiritual warfare is the overture of the grand miracle that will soon play out. Focusing ahead and trusting God’s plan gives hope to grab hold to. God never changes. His plans are divine. He will see to it all obstacles are moved to accomplish HisRead More
The Silent Trap
People automatically know to avoid a bear or a lion. It is a no brainer that these animals will rip a person apart. There is a healthy fear that rises up inside and a common knowledge to move out of the way. Sometimes with people it is obvious when a person is irate. At thatRead More
To lose vision of the Almighty God is to see sin as ok. It happens very gradually. Before too long the focus is on the world and earthly gains. God’s door is always open to return. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray andRead More
Our Name In Prayer
God has no limits. His love conquers all things. He notices when even a sparrow falls so how much more us when the hairs on our heads are numbered. He has heavenly reasons for each blessing and each hurdle. When blessings flow and things all work out it’s easy to give praise. God’s handiwork isRead More