Has it ever been where just one minor thing gets on your last nerve. There are many examples. What if the postal carrier delivers your mail each day and doesn’t even attempt to close your box, yet he closes all your neighbor’s boxes? What if you worked hard on a musical program and your name was tacked on to the end of the program because it was not included originally? What if your boss gives a coworker a bonus who does not work nearly as hard as you?
Sometimes these things cause you to become resentful and angry. Whether these things are meant personally or simply an oversight does not effect God’s perfect love for you. When God is done using these particular tools as a fine tuning technique to your growth in grace, the tool will be stored back on His shelf.
He could be using the constant little irritations to teach you to smile, forgive, accept or overlook. There is nothing God can’t use to bring out the best in you. God gives us a beautiful example of a pearl. Just one small grain of sand that is so small it can barely be seen irritates an oyster constantly. He will keep working to get rid of it to the point of creating a priceless sought after pearl.
This example alone is reason to praise God. He is creating something beautiful in your life as a result of the little things that irritate you.
The season of irritation will end. In the mean time you can look forward to the beautiful workmanship God will reveal to you when His timing is right.
2 Corinthians 4:17
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!
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