The Word of God is speaking to you. Yes, you. Your Bible is open and you come across a passage that makes you leap for joy. It’s like God is telling you He sees what your neighbor or friend is doing to you and He will go get them. You are quick to burst forthRead More
Archives for December 2016
A Welcomed Delay
Have you ever prayed for something so very important to you that you were willing to go to all extremes. At times you cry to God and other times you sit silently at His feet. It’s like you think you are being heard but all you get is silence. Have you ever considered that theRead More
To Invest Or To Accumulate
There are many people these days who are out for themselves. It’s an attitude of what can be received or gotten. As a result they accumulate more and more creating a personal empire which is never enough. Others will share what they have no matter how little. Some will give away out of their ownRead More
In the dictionary the word miracle is described like this: An unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God. Miracles happen all around us each day. We can find them by setting our focus on God in all things. Who but God can place the stars in theRead More
Painful Sacrifices
There is no greater sacrifice than Jesus giving His life for our sins so we can spend eternity with Him. Chances are the greatest hurt to Jesus are those who do not accept His love and could care less. Those people are loved and the hairs on their heads are numbered. Jesus thinks about usRead More
Our Richest Gain
There are many comparisons we make in life. While some look at others thinking they have more, others are looking at us thinking we have more. Unfortunately these comparisons are about material things or perceived beauty. There are countries where people flock looking for better opportunities or luxurious lifestyles leaving behind family and friends. Again,Read More
A River Too Deep
It’s very peaceful to sit in a flowery area beside a still glassy river. Occasionally there is a small rustling of the waters after a gentle cool breeze or a splash of a water creature moving about. It is a comforting reminder that God is still in control no matter what the circumstances. Looking beneathRead More
A Bondage Too Great
There are certain habits that can take hold of a person so great that the only relief is to do more and more to satisfy that habit. Substances such as liquor, drugs or tobacco can satisfy to such a degree that it takes only one time and the cravens are so intense that the onlyRead More
Jesus Is Alive In All Circumstances
The Dead Sea is a prime example of some of the most stubborn circumstances we face today. This sea takes and takes but never gives. The sun evaporates what little fresh water there is while the rest of the water sits stagnate from lack of movement. A hose pumping fresh water into the deadRead More
One Way
We have all seen the signs that point one way. To go opposite that way guarantees we would meet with opposition that could ultimately kill us. We would definitely not reach our destination. Other signs tell us to take a detour that means long delays and extra steps. When it comes to Jesus Christ manyRead More