There are no rituals, deeds, works or acts of cleanliness that can get a person to heaven. Salvation is a free gift that cannot be bought. It’s just a matter of acknowledging and accepting Christ’s love toward us. Any deed or act of worship after that fact is done out of love and appreciation ofRead More
Archives for April 2017
Love’s Light
There are dark caves and without a lantern there is no way of knowing what is ahead. People can try to make their way through without any light but all they know is the immediate surroundings. They can only feel which causes them to miss any beauty or danger that is hidden. It is theRead More
What’s In It For Me?
My my, what a selfish question but don’t we all wonder sometimes if there is ever a reward for our efforts? Many of us have thankless jobs that pay very little while others seem to get all the rewards. Others of us speak out in defense when something is obviously not right only to beRead More
True Enemies Identify Themselves
The closer we become to God the more some people alienate themselves from us. We get along fine with them. In fact we have had some of these people in our homes. We have laughed and cried together. We have gone out on weekends to enjoy a program or a vacation. We have talked onRead More
A Colorful Coat Of Honor
A COLORFUL COAT OF HONOR When we say yes to God He declares us His own. We have His favor even through hardships. Just like Joseph endured one obstacle after another back in the book of Genesis God promoted him each time. He was sold into slavery, his brothers disliked him, untruths were told aboutRead More
At Your Service
How often do we hear someone ask how they can pray for us? Rarely do we hear the words, “here, let me get that for you.” When a parent, boss or even a coworker asks us to do something, what is our attitude in return? Occasionally a person in authority will demand instead of askRead More
How To Pray For A Friend
Have you ever wanted to pray for a friend, coworker or family member but the words would not come? Sometimes it’s because you know very little about the situation or you know nothing at all. You have just been asked to pray. Sometimes people will tell you that God already knows the situation, just prayRead More
The End Of Our Endurance
There are times we just cannot continue. Numerous circumstances can be instrumental in bringing us to the end of what we can endure. When we think we have things under control suddenly everything comes unglued. We are prepared and we have planned and things are working the way they should then suddenly it’s like weRead More
Irritating Self Praise
We have all met people who are all about themselves. They continually brag on their accomplishments, looks and good deeds. If the conversation is not about them and their contributions in life they are not interested in keeping a conversation. Such people have a deep void to feel loved and appreciated. However getting praise fromRead More
The Other Viewpoint
Many have gone to the Holy Land to tour the places where Jesus walked. The most cherished moment is to stand at the tomb and look in. Whether it is the actual tomb where Jesus was placed or one nearby the impact is the same. It is empty. It is dark. It is confining. EvenRead More