There was an old western show that is rarely shown today. The story was about a wolverine. That wolverine would come during the night and rob a family of their meat and other things they depended upon to live. The oldest male in the family gathered with other men and together the searched for thatRead More
Archives for July 2017
An Empty Tomb Says It All
Through Christ all things are possible. His word lasts forever and it never fails. When we consider the empty tomb it is the beginning of a new hope. On the cross Jesus paid it all and everlasting life is ours upon acceptance of the free gift of love and forgiveness of all sins. The emptyRead More
Heavenly Angels
God provides earthly protection from heavenly angels. When we call upon God for His divine protection and strength He orders angels to uphold us. They provide a hedge of protection meaning there are more than one to create the hedge around us. The Bible refers to millions of angels praising God in heaven. Jesus toldRead More
A Special Kiss
God has His Own beautiful ways of showing His presence to us. Throughout the day sunbeams shine a brilliant light on all creation making all things clear. There is no mistaken that only God can create beautiful wildlife, nature and streams. When night falls we see His beautiful workmanship in the sky. Every star isRead More
We Never Walk Alone
When we walk through storms in life and we feel so all alone, God is right here with us. All storms are simple for God to control or remove. Whether we are challenged by friends who fail us or people who manipulate things to make it where we cannot achieve a goal, God notices. GodRead More
Understanding Rejection
As we walk with our Lord He continually conforms us into His likeness. He slowly changes our way of thinking into more of a heavenly mind. Unfortunately He uses rejections sometimes to bring our focus from the things desired to Him. Serious rejections bring up a variety of emotions; jealousy, anger, retaliation, self hate orRead More
Daddy’s Protection
A child cannot wait to get home to show a good report card to a loving daddy. On the other hand that same child cannot wait to get home to show a failing mark to the same daddy wanting comfort and instruction. It’s all about love. At any time and in any condition a lovingRead More
The Stage Is Set
There is a stage already set. When you walk into the theatre you see all the props in place. You stand among the empty seats and wonder what this production is all about. You quickly learn it’s either all about you or all about God. The empty seats are filled with people who do notRead More
The Long Waiting Period
We plant a seed and water it only to see nothing. We can pull up a stool and sit for hours and see nothing at all. The Bible is specific when It refers the type seeds planted being what sprouts. Only in delayed photography can we really see a flower grow. Otherwise the growth isRead More
His Mighty Hand Raises Us Up
Any of us who are called by the name Christians are continually being watched by the world. While it is easy for us to rejoice and have a smile on our face during good times, what about trying times? When things do not look right on an Xray and all signs point to cancer it’sRead More