It comes as quite a surprise when one we consider a friend lets us down. It’s like being slapped in the face with a roaring fire. Every nerve in our heart stands on edge. We are left wondering if we should try to make amends or let time heal the wound. Sometimes we don’t knowRead More
Archives for March 2019
Snap Judgements Hurt People
Let’s not let Mr. A into our choir because he doesn’t sing well. Our company cannot hire Jane Doe because she doesn’t fit the company image. We will not attend a class party because the person who planned it is not in our little group. Look out! These are the type judgments that willRead More
Jesus Still Heals Today
When we search the scriptures we find numerous places where Jesus healed people. A woman in a crowd touched the hem of His garment and received healing. Blind beggars were given sight and the ears of deaf people could hear. Jesus instantly healed lepers and even raised the dead. The people healed had one thingRead More
The Dreaded Enemies
Enemies are all around us. Things that should be right are now wrong. People get by with all types of things while we get our hands slapped for no reason at all. Certain wrong doings are praised by the multitudes while right doing is frowned upon. Does this sound familiar? The Bible speaks clearly ofRead More
How Can God Love Me?
When we have sinned and continue to go against what we know is right it becomes hard to believe God can truly love us. Instead of coming to God in prayer through Jesus Christ, we tend to shy away from communicating with Him totally. We feel embarrassed when we know we should have done better. Read More
Replacing Bad Habits
As we read our Bibles we see that we are to put aside our old ways or to deny ourselves. This means we are to give up old habits such as lies, stealing, lust, jealousy and numerous other things that are hard to give up. This sounds easy but it is not. In fact itRead More
Well Digging Faith
Professional well diggers know that the process is slow and steps must be taken along the way to prevent dirt from immediately filling back up the hole. If one small neglect or one short cut is taken, the well will never happen. Diggers know that the deepest wells produce the purest water so it’s importantRead More
Thankful For Blessings
Each day we enjoy daylight and evening that we did not create. The breaths we take are a gift from God. We did not knit ourselves together in our mother’s womb yet we live day to day. Communication with family and friends in ways we understand is graciously supplied to us by God. During hardships,Read More
What Purpose?
There are people who play a musical instrument very well while we struggle with notes. There are people that are gifted at keeping a good conversation and at times they will take a conversation completely away from another person and us. We listen to a pastor gifted in delivering soul winning sermons while we struggleRead More
Expectations V/S God’s Answers
Sometimes we ponder what things would be like if only…….. We pray for things in life and we imagine an answer yet we are often disappointed when things work out differently. We want friendships to be restored or we want a certain dating parter and we pray for a specific person or relationship. As weRead More