Let’s face it, discrimination is alive and well on the planet earth. However we often think it will never happen to us as children of God. It’s easy to assume that acceptance is a given when we stay prayed up and read our Bibles but it’s just the opposite. The Bible tells us that weRead More
Archives for October 2019
The Opponent’s Play Book
Members of a sports team know it’s an ideal situation to know what’s in the opponent’s play book. This sought after information gives knowledge of what’s coming and allows time to plan how to deal with it. Some people will actually listen at the door or try to trick someone from the other team intoRead More
From Valley To Valley
While there are people who seem to thrive in this world without any difficulties others go through valley after valley. Christ has already won each and every battle yet life’s battles still give a sense of defeat, especially the situations that linger. For the mother who has prayed day after day, week after week andRead More
From Repentance To Freedom
As children we play hide and go seek. We hide and we try hard for the person hunting us to never find us, but they always do. These are the fun times. As children we do something we were told not to by an adult. When we see that adult our first reaction is toRead More