There are times in life when the deep troubles all around us are debilitating. It leaves us at a stand still not knowing where to take even a baby step. We are blind sided to the point we cannot see our own hand as we put it to our face. Sometimes things hit us soRead More
Archives for January 2020
God In All Things
The Bible is very specific when it tells us to seek and we will find. He provides His beautiful examples all around us. The night time sky and all its beauty is a reminder that no person or group of people could have made such a creation. Lakes and streams are a reminder that theRead More
When We See No Rewards
When we live for our Lord, all things we say and do should be in obedience it Him. As humans it takes time to become more Christlike. We have our desires, stubbornnesses and anger that we try to manage. Things in this world are so unfair that it’s a common thing to want to retortRead More
When Some Do Not Understand
We look around us and scratch our heads at the way some people act. Unfortunately some of these people are in charge of things. Some are elected officials. Some are teachers. Some are pastors. Their ideas sound ok but when we take a serious look at what some promote we see the faults. There areRead More
In His Stillness
It’s amazing how the same letters that spell silent are the same ones that spell listen. There is a lot to be learned by just being quiet before God. The chirping of birds or the calm movement of river waters go unnoticed unless we focus on being still. It’s in the simple things around usRead More
God Is The Only True Judge
When we see people getting by with things that are obviously wrong, it’s time to seek God’s face and ask for a divine intervention on behalf of His people. Laws are being ignored and the people in charge will not enforce the proper consequences. People feel, for this reason, it’s ok to keep on pursuingRead More
An Inheritance Received
God has provided an inheritance for us that we will receive once we enter eternity. We may see people getting by with things or people receiving large gifts here on earth. It’s easy not to question why we have not received certain things or why we get our hands slapped often for even the smallestRead More
A Rocky Road
Most of us prefer to drive or walk on a paved road rather than a dirt or rocky road. A paved road has all the rocks removed and all the potholes smoothly filled. Travel is much quicker and easier. When traveling on a paved road we do not comprehend very well the rocks or potholesRead More
Alone With God
Sometimes our minds can be filled with such turmoil we wonder if stillness can ever happen to us. Even Jesus escaped from the multitudes from time to time just to be still and know God. Stillness and meditation on the love of God is where we regain strength. Yes, there are moments when a “timeRead More
God Is Fair
We often wonder why such a dishonest one goes unnoticed when it comes to punishment. We watch while this one cheats on his/her spouse or lies to a boss yet they have a following of people who praise the ground they walk on. A day comes when such a person passes away and the pompRead More