The gold we wear on our finger or around our neck is a beautiful example of the finest metal. It didn’t become precious in an instant. It took lots of steps along the way. It starts from the ground up. From the ground or in a mine there is a beautiful nugget embedded in aRead More
Gripping Fear
A test is coming tomorrow. We study and know all the answers but in our minds are the fears of many things. What if the chapters we study are not the ones on the test. What if we draw a blank. What if our pencil point breaks. What if, what if, what if the scenariosRead More
There are things in life that do not go as we expect. We put an unconscious checkmark on our mind and move on with other things in life. A second thing works out differently than we plan. Even though we keep going in life checkmark number two is placed on our mind. The minor thingsRead More
God’s Presence In All Things
God is the Most High. He sits on the throne of heaven and knows all things. When we think of God in all His majesty and glory it’s difficult to realize that one day we will be with Him. A day is coming when we will face Him and bow to Him. Jesus will liveRead More
Growing Pains
It’s a battle when things are always changing. The people we grew up with have all moved away. The home where we were raised belongs to someone new. The teachers and advisors have all grown old and moved on to heaven. God is continually sending new people and experiences into our lives in order toRead More
The Birth Of A Blessing
Many times the greatest blessings come after the most difficult times. God is continually refining us like gold and He will allow us to see developments along the way. These glimpses from heaven are worth every moment of adversity. God is chipping away at all the things in our lives that do not fit whoRead More
When We See No Rewards
When we live for our Lord, all things we say and do should be in obedience it Him. As humans it takes time to become more Christlike. We have our desires, stubbornnesses and anger that we try to manage. Things in this world are so unfair that it’s a common thing to want to retortRead More
A Rocky Road
Most of us prefer to drive or walk on a paved road rather than a dirt or rocky road. A paved road has all the rocks removed and all the potholes smoothly filled. Travel is much quicker and easier. When traveling on a paved road we do not comprehend very well the rocks or potholesRead More
God Is Fair
We often wonder why such a dishonest one goes unnoticed when it comes to punishment. We watch while this one cheats on his/her spouse or lies to a boss yet they have a following of people who praise the ground they walk on. A day comes when such a person passes away and the pompRead More
Not So All Alone
It’s strange how sometimes we can withdraw into our own thoughts and try to figure a way out of a circumstance. We feel so all alone. It’s as though nobody understands and even if we explain it people still wouldn’t understand. We get embarrassed, hurt, defeated, angry or confused over something that has happened toRead More