We have all heard the statement that if life is a bowl of cherries why is my life the pits? Life doesn’t offer years of ease. During the time we have on earth there are seasons of time where everything seems to fall into place. Other times are challenging above and beyond what we can handle. However for the most part life is a growing time.
Life can be compared very easily to the cherry and the pit. The delicious fruit of the cherry didn’t get that way overnight. It took many seasons to produce. During those years were growing times where wind, weather, storms and dry spells pounded on the tree. As time passed the tree became stronger. Once fruit is produced, here comes a person to suddenly eat away the precious fruit and toss the pit away.
When planted in a cold dark ground, that pit begins to grow. As we seek to move ahead in life and grow past hurts and disappointments, we can be assured God will take our pasts and make something beautiful.
Isaiah 32:19-20
Even if the forest should be destroyed and the city torn down, the Lord will greatly bless his people. Wherever they plant seed, bountiful crops will spring up. Their cattle and donkeys will graze freely.
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